Channel Conflict and How to Avoid It

Channel conflict occurs when channel partners find themselves competing against one another or a retailer’s internal sales department.   As a retailer, your channel partners are an extension of your sales arm. While it is common to see channel partners whose loyalty belong to a single vendor, most channel partners offer products and services from…

7 Reasons to Run Frequent Retail Audits

Retail audits allow retailers to utilize insightful details about product placement and display in increasing sales. The truth is, a retail audit is important for a brand’s wellbeing or success in the same way regular medical check-ups are for a human’s health.   Sadly, retail auditing is usually reduced to an inventory of products on…

Top Marketing Automation Tools and Techniques for Retailers and Wholesalers

Digital marketing is changing businesses around the world. For both retailers and wholesalers, using the right marketing tools and techniques can result in very profitable business ventures. The most up-to-date online marketing tools including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, big data, and the internet of things can be effectively utilized in maximizing customer engagement, conversion rates,…