Customize videos for advertisement, optimized for performance

Get ready-to-launch short videos, custom-made for your audience, for 10x less than hiring a production agency.

Why need UGC video for ads

Real people, real stories, real results. UGC videos directly showcase customer satisfaction, which can significantly boost conversion rates.

Advantages of UGC videos

  • Authenticity

    UGC videos provide real-life testimonials and experiences, which can create trust and credibility among the target audience.

  • Engagement

    Videos tend to capture attention more effectively than static images, increasing viewer engagement and the likelihood of interaction with the ad.

  • Storytelling opportunities

    UGC videos can tell powerful and relatable stories, helping to emotionally connect with the audience, leading to stronger brand recall.

Our Service Workflow

Tips to improve website traffics with your social media
  • Planning

    Gather client business details and requirements.

  • Shortlisting

    Shortlist the right creator under 60SEC to perform the content creation.

  • Content Creation

    Site visits or collect client product to kick start content creation.

  • Feedback & Review

    Client review the drafts and provide feedback for adjustment.

  • Revisions and Approval

    Revision of feedback and approval for the contents.

Why 60SEC?

Here’s how you benefit when you order 60SEC short videos.
60SEC Video Production Agency Influencer

60SEC offers transparent, cost-effective pricing starting at MYR699/video.


Get videos done quickly with 60SEC, we can assign different creator to handle your respective videos.


Provide your requirement and 60SEC delivered for you.


60SEC hear your requirement and customize for you.


60SEC offers effortless video production scaling, on demand.


Pick creators collaborate with 60SEC and find the perfect fit for your needs.


Receive professionally-edited videos you can post right away.

3 Ways to get started


1 x video ads

1 assigned creator

MYR 899



2 x video ads

1 assigned creator

MYR 1649


Experiment different hooks with the same ad campaigns and discover what content converts your audience


3 x video ads

1 assigned creator

MYR 2349


Test your hook ideas with 3 video! Great for idea experimentation and reiteration of ads

Unlock our promotion
Free ads service for 3 mth (new customer), we only charge you 10% of ads budget!


3 x video ads

3 assigned creators

MYR 2999


3 creators with 3 different hook ideas. Test your hook ideas with 3 video and different creators! 

Unlock our promotion
Free ads service for 3 mth (new customer), we only charge you 10% of ads budget!